donderdag 1 oktober 2015

The time they sheared the other ram.

The other day we were asked to assist on the shearing of a ram that used to live at Ådnanes. This specific ram, Ullrik, is the father of this years lambs here. He was sent to the farm of an acquintance since he had gotten a bit unfriendly towards lambs and people. Coming spring he will join another flock of sheep elsewhere on Bømlo. Before that time, Gudmundur thought it might be a good idea to do a check-up on him and see if he needed shearing to keep his wool healthy before he is taken over. However, he seemed to be good in his wool, without so much dirt and dreadlocks. If he was to be outside in the winter it would be best to not shear anything. A quick phonecall to the farmer taking him over confirmed he would be out in the hills this winter. Better not rob him of his jacket. 

After returning Ullrik to his pen, we checked out another ram. This specific animal will come to Ådnanes in the spring. Having just returned from months in the great outdoors his wool was dirty and dreadlocked in places, and he was carrying around a good amount of thistles. Therefore it was good we brought the shearing-machine. A bit of maintenance cutting away the bad parts would benefit the poor thing greatly. This turned out to be the afternoon they sheared the other ram.

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